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The mission of Charitable Gift Planners of Tampa Bay (formally the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of Tampa Bay) is to foster awareness and to provide an effective forum for education, communication, networking and collaboration for our gift planning community.

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CGP Tampa Bay April Meeting- To Get More Gifts, Think Like A Donor

  • April 10, 2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • Virtual AND In Person at Goodwill Business Center, 10596 Gandy Blvd., St. Petersburg, FL 33702


Registration is closed

To Get More Gifts, Think Like A Donor

This presentation explores how donors choose to give. Participants leave with solid and clear examples of how they can improve their fundraising by reaching and more effectively engaging donors. We will examine practical examples and leave with ways we can use immediately to increase our fundraising and improve donor relations.

Presented by: 

Wayne Olson, JD, Senior Director, Planned Giving,

Shriners Children's


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

11:30 a.m. Networking

Noon Program and Lunch

Advance reservations are required


CGP Tampa Bay Members - Free

Guests - $15.00

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 262 585 351 03 

Passcode: Jsn4uG 


CGP Tampa Bay Members - Free

Guests - $35.00

Meeting will be held:

Goodwill Business Center,

10596 Gandy Blvd., St. Petersburg, FL 33702 



Adelphi Trust Company

American Cancer Society

Community Foundation Tampa Bay

Goodwill Industries - Suncoast, Inc.

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Foundation


SPCA Tampa Bay

TOP Jewish Foundation

USF Foundation, Office of Gift Planning



Wayne is the author of six books (with a seventh on the way) including The Disney Difference, and Fundraising for Nonprofit Board Members. He has spoken internationally to organizations such as AFP ICON, AHP International, CASE, CGP, NASA, Mensa and many more. He has led retreats for Meredyth College, the University of South Carolina, and he has been a keynote speaker at National Philanthropy Days for almost 20 years.

Charitable Gift Planners of Tampa Bay

PO Box 2092
St. Petersburg, FL 33731

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