The RIFT Project: Eliminating Delays When Requesting IRA & Other Death Claims

Presented by:
Johni Hays, JD
Executive Vice President
Thompson & Associates
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
11:30 a.m. Networking
Noon Program and Lunch
Advance reservations are required
CGP Tampa Bay Members - $10.00**
Guests - $15.00
CGP Tampa Bay Members - $25.00**
Guests - $35.00
**Members who are still on their 2022 memberships are charged as indicated. Meetings are included in the 2023 membership renewals. Thank you.
Please register to be sent the link/code to join the Session.
Meeting will be held:
Goodwill Business Center,
10596 Gandy Blvd., St. Petersburg, FL 33702
* Please note new meeting venue.
Community Foundation Tampa Bay
Goodwill Industries - Suncoast, Inc.
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Foundation
Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP
TOP Jewish Foundation
USF Foundation, Office of Gift Planning
Adelphi Trust Company
American Cancer Society
With more than 29 years of experience as a practicing attorney in charitable and estate planning, Johni Hays is a recognized leader. Johni is an Executive Vice President with Thompson & Associates. She served as the president of the Charitable Estate Planning Institute, and she is the author of the book, Essentials of Annuities and co-author of two books, The Tools and Techniques of Charitable Planning and Message From the Masters—Our Best Donor Stories that Made a Difference. Johni serves on the Smithsonian’s Professional Advisors Network in Washington, DC. In 2021, Johni was inducted into the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners Hall of Fame and received their Distinguished Service Award in 2020. She also served on its board of directors and has been a charter member of its Leadership Institute. She served on the Editorial Advisory Board for the books Tax Facts on Investments and Tax Facts on Insurance and Employee Benefits. She serves as a founding charitable planning author of Steve Leimberg’s electronic newsletter service, LISI. Johni has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and has published charitable planning articles in Estate Planning Magazine, Planned Giving Today, Fundraising Success, Life Insurance Selling and the National Underwriter magazines.