Widows, Wives, & Friends
Beyond Basic Estate Planning for Women
Plus New Law Case Study— “Legacy IRA” Rollover to a Gift Annuity

Presented by Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus
Join this session to enhance your skills in working well with widows. Serving widows presents unique opportunities and challenges, along with those women planning for a future in which they may outlive their spouse. Kathleen speaks from the heart, drawing on her own widowhood experience and her many years of helping these women as a planned giving officer and later as a Certified Financial Planner™.
- · Shocking statistics
- · Impact of grief and emotions
- · Three stages of widowhood and implications
- · Best practices, including what not to say
- · Kathleen’s research about widows and money
- · Legacy storytelling
- · Empowering and educating widows, wives, and friends
- · “Better Than Cake” A real story about Kathleen’s “Legacy IRA”
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
11:30 a.m. Networking
Noon Program and Lunch
Advance reservations are required
CGP Tampa Bay Members - $10.00**
Guests - $15.00
Please register to be sent the link/code to join the Session.
CGP Tampa Bay Members - $25.00**
Guests - $35.00
**Members who are still on their 2022 memberships are charged as indicated. Meetings are included in the 2023 membership renewals. Thank you.
Meeting will be held: Community Foundation Tampa Bay, 110 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg
Community Foundation Tampa Bay
Goodwill Industries - Suncoast, Inc.
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Foundation
Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP
TOP Jewish Foundation
USF Foundation, Office of Gift Planning
Adelphi Trust Company
American Cancer Society
Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus wrote the award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widowsafter the death of her spouse. She owned Rehl Financial Advisors for 18 years before retiring to an active six-year encore career empowering widows. Now happily “reFired” at age 76, Rehl authors legacy stories, poetry, and letters . . . plus assists selected nonprofits to grow their endowments. Years before, Kathleen served as a gift planning officer. Kathleen’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Next Avenue, Kiplinger’s, CNBC, USA Today, and other publications. Her website is https://kathleenrehl.com.