Florida Nonprofit Alliance -
Giving in Florida Study
Presented by: Sabeen Perwaiz
Giving in Florida, the first research of its kind in Florida, is a joint venture between Florida Nonprofit Alliance, the Jessie Ball duPont Fund, and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Giving in Florida aims to increase the understanding of philanthropy and provide the region's nonprofit sector, donors, and policy makers with valuable research allowing them to understand the motives and incentives behind charitable giving behavior. The study:
- Provides analysis of how giving and volunteering patterns change with different donor demographics with the goal of encouraging the nonprofit sector to better connect with a wider range of donors.
- Offers unique insights into the wide range of ways that Floridians give back, including giving money directly to friends and loved ones, contributing to crowdfunding campaigns, and helping in ways other than giving money.
- Identifies areas of opportunity for the nonprofit sector.
This presentation will also include giving information for Hillsborough County, the five county Tampa Bay area (Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, and Polk), and the Central West region of Florida.
With both the sector and the larger Florida population still dealing with the effects of the pandemic, the information in this report can help the nonprofit sector to keep moving forward to provide Floridians with a brighter future.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
11:30 a.m. Networking
Noon Program and Lunch
Advance reservations are required
CGP Tampa Bay Members - $10.00
Guests - $15.00
Please register to be sent the link/code to join the Session.
CGP Tampa Bay Members - $25.00
Guests - $35.00
Meeting will be held: Community Foundation Tampa Bay - 110 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg FL 33701
Thank You to Our Sponsor!

Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
Goodwill Industries - Suncoast, Inc.
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Foundation
Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP
TOP Jewish Foundation
USF Foundation, Office of Gift Planning
Sabeen Perwaiz is President & CEO of Florida Nonprofit Alliance where she strengthens, promotes and advocates on behalf of Florida’s nonprofit sector. Sabeen is an member of Leadership Jacksonville and Leadership Florida Connect. She has been named an Aspen Ideas Scholar, Woman of Influence, 40 under 40 and a National Business Journal Influencer. She serves on Florida's Commission on Community Service. An avid traveler, Perwaiz has visited over 42 countries and hopes to visit at least 100 in her lifetime. She and her husband, Asghar, are proud parents of their toddler, Raza and newborn, Ayah.