Philanthropy in Transformational Times
In this presentation made by Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. at the 34th ACGA
Conference in April of this year he summarized and addressed the unprecedented combination of challenges now facing the philanthropic sector. Robert revealed a number of lessons learned from decades of experience helping nonprofits effectively cope with difficult periods. He shared the collective wisdom of entities he has served that have survived and transformed in the face of wars, pandemics, severe economic distortions, terrorist attacks and other periodic challenges during their histories of 250 years or longer. Carefully considered steps taken today can help ensure not only survival but a more effective and resilient future.
Following the video presentation there will be a panel discussion of some of the issues raised and ideas shared by Mr. Sharpe.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Advance reservations are required
CGP Tampa Bay Members Free or $10.00 Donation
Guests - $15.00
Please register to be sent the link/code to join the Session.
American Cancer Society
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
Fisher & Sauls, P.A.
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Foundation
Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP
Saint Leo University
USF Foundation, Office of Gift Planning
Biography: Robert F. Sharpe, Jr.
Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. is a nationally recognized leader and authority in the field of philanthropy. For more than three decades, he has consulted with many of the nation’s leading educational, health, social service, arts and religious nonprofits in the planning and implementation of their fund development efforts. He has mentored many of the nation’s leading nonprofit executives whose efforts have raised billions of dollars that have helped fuel the transformation of the American experience. Since completing his service with the Sharpe Group in 2019, he now serves as a philanthropic management consultant to senior leadership of a number of organizations and institutions.
Robert has been a pioneer in the area of “blended gifts” beginning in 1995 when he coined the term as part of a presentation at the national conference of the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA).
Robert is chair of the philanthropy editorial board of Trusts & Estates magazine and co-author of the CGP Model Standards of Gift Valuation. He has served on the board of Giving USA and on a number of strategic task forces for the CGP. He currently serves as an Advisory Council member for the Alliance for Charitable Reform in its efforts to preserve and expand favorable tax treatment for charitable gifts.
Among other publications, his remarks have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, Smart Money, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Trusts & Estates and Kiplinger’s.
He is a sought-after speaker at local and national gatherings of fundraising executives, financial officers and others. He is a recipient of the CASE Crystal Apple award for excellence in teaching and has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Philanthropic Planning Group of Greater New York, the David M. Donaldson Distinguished Service award from the Planned Giving Group of New England and has been inducted to the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) Hall of Fame.
Robert is a cum laude graduate of both Vanderbilt University and Cornell Law School.